What is the most compelling issue in America?

I believe the war on child support is a human rights violation in America today. It is giving the government legal authority to enforce fininacial penalties on families and threaten imprisonment for lack of employment. Not always because someone doesn’t want to work but sometimes a person just isn’t getting hired. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip as some may say. However, The United State Social Security act funds the states enforcement efforts by matching the state dollar for dollar on every child support ordered. It certainly doesn’t enforce the same standard on the managing conservator. By not requiring the same weight of authority to be enforced on both sides it allows the managing conservator to embellish cost requirements on the co-conservator unnecessarily and further compounds the argument by leveraging the state to front the costs for court and attorneys while the co conservator pays for everything out of pocket. It’s a travesty in family courts and the system requires money in order to get our arguments heard. Children are losing their families and the state appears to not care at a rate that shows concern. It it isn’t interested in moving fast to correct the balance of justice. It more interested in protecting the governments cash cow children.

Am I a Luddite?

I am a selfish man, why wouldn’t I be? I fear the unknown because I’m not prepared for the future. That’s why I’m here at school learning new understandings. I’m interested in the future and I’m wanting to stay ahead. Ok wanting to understand money and computers. I believe with a background in aeronautical engineering that I can build the future with my new tools. I understand my machine is what will replace me. So I need to get ahead of things and figure out how my robot me can work and be an investment in my future, the one my family needs.

What I find interesting about Pizza

In my research about pizza I came to understand that pizza is mainly an Italian food. It has roots the go back much further than Italy. It’s another dish of flat bread. To find out that pizza wasn’t always such a tasty meal is actually suprising. I wouldn’t have imagined walking around in 18th century Italy buying a penny slice that was burnt and covered with flies and spoiling food. The fact that wealthy people despised the food shows it’s status and where it was on a culinary scale. Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph, described pizza as a loathsome local speciality in 1831, “a species of most nauseating cake… covered over with slices of pomodoro or tomatoes, and sprinkled with little fish and black pepper and I know not what other ingredients, it altogether looks like a piece of bread that had been taken reeking out of the sewer.” (Helstosky, Pizza: a global history) Italians who were not from Naples also had a pretty low opinion of the dish. Modern pizza is considered to have originated in Naples, Italy. I love pizza and the fact most people have hated it is what I have found most interesting. It is a black swan of a dish or as others have described as a Cinderella story of culinary cuisine.

What does academic integrity mean to me?

Choosing to compromise my integrity is not something I would admire about myself. It’s difficult to maintain integrity given the many pitfalls in life. I’ve been witness to many things in this world. Understanding where I am going and what I am avoiding by being honest with my approach to education. Having integrity keeps me available to learning new things and making myself happy. Always striving to put myself first over others is paramount to success. By ensuring my integrity remains intact I am ensuring I surround myself with the positives of life. Yea I’ll deal with more than my fair share of miserable situations but I won’t be compromised. Academic integrity always means doing my work and understanding the process no matter when I can do things easier. I’m ensuring my success by actively applying myself to my work. All I want is success and I won’t succeed if I don’t apply myself. 

Why I chose Software Devolpment

I chose to research software development because it’s about designing programs that people use everyday. I’m interested in learning about software development and more specifically artificial intelligence. I’d like to see how artificial intelligence can work with other fields and projects. I believe we can teach computers to analyze information and help flag concerns we tell it to look out for. We can teach computers to help bring information to our attention and look over everything we are looking at. Having computers analyze information and informe us with what it believes it sees. Creative thinking is what this career field needs and I’m interested  In providing it new thought. 

Early Reading

I suppose if I think back, I’d have to say that I enjoyed Dr. Suess. I don’t mind reading but I’m interested in information. I try and read stories and they bore me usually. My parents enjoy reading although I don’t enjoy it for stories as much as they do. I have enjoyed the Harry Potter series of books but that’s it.

How has technology affected me?

Technology has impacted my life by simplifying the different and very random things I deal with in my life. Technology helps me to connect over long distances. I don’t have to drive so far every day to fax paperwork somewhere in the world. I can message someone all day now. I’m always connected and that’s been good overall. It does cause me to have to slow down on some things and double check my work. I look forward to technology advancing because the things I’m slow on technology will be there to help me out eventually.


Hello, my name is Sean Ellis and I’m from Roll, AZ. I am 36 years old and I am married with 7 children. I am majoring in Computer Science, minoring in Financial Analysis, and Constitutional Law. I would like to take these degrees so that I can start my entrepreneurship in finance and somewhere in the federal government. I previously spent 8 years in the United States Air Force, in which I traveled the world as an Air Force Crew Chief. Currently I work for a Water District working with computers in the dispatch office.

I am choosing to major in Computer Science, because I watched my father work on computers growing up and it caught my interest. The first computer I learned to use was the Apple Computer. My father had bought one and he noticed that I had an interest. So, he showed me how to write command line codes and to use the computer. From there, I learned to use DOS, Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X, IOS. My preferred operating system is Mac OS X and currently IOS. My aspirations for this degree is to be a Quantum Financial Analyst / Trader.

I am choosing to minor in financial analysis. I would like to be a Quantum Financial Analyst; otherwise known as a “Quant”. My Aunt peaked my interest in finance  because she is a senior executive for a brokerage firm. She’s done well for herself, so its safe to assume it’s because she understands the financial world. My Aunt lives in Scottsdale and  works for Morgan Stanley / Dean Witter as a Senior Executive. I hope that I can one day be as successful as her.

I am also minoring in Constitutional law. My interest in law began while I was in the United States Air Force. It caught my interest when I noticed a lot of people in the government such as U. S. Senators and Congressmen studied constitutional law. My aspirations for this degree is to eventually look at public service in government. I have also worked for the Arizona Department of Corrections as a Corrections Officer. In that line of work, I managed Gangs, General Population, Maximum Security, and Death Row incarcerations. While working in the Department of Corrections my interest in law peaked and I studied law at Rio Solado College.

I am currently working for a water district, where I work with computers in the dispatch office. My job requires me to monitor 3 water plants that pump water up 250′ in elevation from the Colorado River to the Mohawk Valley. The Water district I work for manages 77,000 Acres of land that can receive water. I have worked for the District for 5 years and I started off as a ditch rider and I am now working in dispatch. Since starting this  job I have taken a real interest in gardening. My garden is over 35’x35′ which is over 1,200 Sq Ft. I try and grow anything I can because I have an interest in reducing my expenses and being self sufficient. I grow Corn, Lavender, Citrus, Lettuce, Onions, Rosemary, peppers, and Jasmine. The foods I grow I use in my kitchen and I love to cook with my home grown food.

While serving in the United States Air Force, I traveled the world and was given many awesome opportunities and met a lot of interesting people. My favorite experiences while serving was, getting to work on a Presidential Air Lift, traveling in military air shows, and seeing the world. When I was able to work on a Presidential Airlift, I helped support former U. S. President George W. Bush on one of his Asian Summits. I spent two weeks in Hawaii supporting our former president and it was an experience I won’t soon forget. While working in the Air Force, I was also given the opportunity to represent and show A KC-135 cargo refueling air craft at several airshows. I spent those days explaining how the aircraft worked and what it’s mission was.

My experiences in life has helped me decide what I want to study. I’m excited to see where things take me. My family is supportive and looking forward to our future. I know studying computers, finance, and law will certainly help my future career. I know it won’t be easy, but with hard work and dedication, I can achieve my goals and support my family the way I envision it. Having faith in God, I know I’ll achieve my goals.